Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcome to A's Weight Loss Journey

Hey Bloggers!

Today I post my first blog of many which will be following my weight loss journey. I am currently 21 years old and have been struggling with my weight for years! While I have been working out for 2 months, I've not seen as much of a result as I"d like to so I thought I would up my game a little bit. My mom's boss does The Master Cleanse all of the time and so now it's my turn. Starting the day after tomorrow I will be starting the Master Cleanse and blogging about my weight loss. While on the Master Cleanse I will continue to work out in hopes of keeping and gaining muscle. I've seen and heard so many successful stories with the cleanse and hope that I can add myself to them. I look forward to any comments that people may have and hope that you will go with me on this journey : )

Lose 25lbs by the Fourth of July




  1. Hey there, I too have decided to embark on the Master Cleanse. I plan on starting tomorrow and will try to keep it up till the end of June, right before I leave for my vacation. I have tried the Cleanse last year but gave up after the first week. This time around I know what to expect and I'm much more determined. My goal is lose 20-25lbs. I wish us both great success on this journey.

  2. Wow, you have much determination to do a whole month! I'm sure that you will reach your goal and it will be something to be so proud of. Let me know how it all goes. Thank you for the wishes. I hope we both succeed as well.
